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Sustainable Tourism in Vietnam

29. April 2024Science communicationHigher EducationDevelopment Research

Discover how this KoEF project is revolutionising Vietnam's tourism industry, enhancing travellers' experiences with innovative technology and rich cultural insights.

Career paths in science: Results of the Higher Education Conference working group

26. April 2024Higher EducationResearcher

How can attractive, permeable and sustainable career models be developed and supported in the Austrian higher education and research area?

Schülerinnen und Schüler an die Hochschulen: Zwei neue Partner-Hochschulen

23. April 2024Higher EducationSchool

Ab sofort können sich Schüler/innen für ein Studium an der Modul University Vienna und der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg anmelden!

Continuing support for the Ukrainian university sector!

18. April 2024BildungskooperationHigher EducationPartnerships

At a high-level meeting in Ukraine, Austrian universities reconfirmed continued commitment to support for science and higher education in Ukraine.

Summer University Programs: Sustainability and Socio-Economic Transformation

17. April 2024ScholarsCallHigher Education

Apply for a transformative summer experience exploring sustainability and socio-economic values with our two dynamic programs.