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Video about Sonnia Nzilani Musyoka's career and environmental work in Kenya

13. May 2024AlumniDevelopment Research

Former APPEAR scholar Sonnia talks about her motivation to establish an environmental NGO to combat climate change in Kenya and her professional career as Makueni County Minister.

Former APPEAR scholar presents at BOKU online Workshop on Land Rights

3. May 2024AlumniDevelopment Research

Former scholarship holder Dr. Ayelech Kidie Mengesha has participated in the online workshop entitled "Land Rights: Land Titling vs. Communal Rights, examples from Ethiopia".

Sustainable Tourism in Vietnam

29. April 2024Science communicationHigher EducationDevelopment Research

Discover how this KoEF project is revolutionising Vietnam's tourism industry, enhancing travellers' experiences with innovative technology and rich cultural insights.

Welt im Ohr: Dekolonialisierung des Wissens II: Auf Spurensuche in Bibliotheken und Museen

25. April 2024Development ResearchResearcher

Es gilt noch vielfache diskriminierende und rassistische Denkmuster zu „verlernen“. Ö1 ORF Campusradio 26.04.24, 20:00-21:00 Uhr

Unlocking History: The Zaghouan – Carthage Hydraulic Complex

18. April 2024Science communicationDevelopment Research

Dive into the wonders of ancient Roman engineering in Tunisia!